
Applicants must occupy the property as their principal place of residence, shall reside in the home at time of application, and the property must be classified homestead. If there is a current LHTF lien, it will need to be paid off before the property can be considered. 

The maximum household income limits for owner occupied rehab is 115% of the AMI as determined by the U.S. Department of 住房 and Urban Development. 


  • Annual income will be used to determine eligibility 
  • Annual income will be based on 现在的收入 
  • 收入包括:
    • Wage or salaries, including commissions, bonuses, overtime pay and tips
    • Business income for self-employed individuals 
    • 租金或房地产收入, including payments received from properties being sold or Contracts for Deed 
    • 利息及股息 
    • Gains from the sale of property or securities 
    • 遗产或信托收入 
    • Pensions and annuities, including PERA, Social Security
    • Any Financial assistance including but not limited to Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Supplemental Security 收入 (SSI), 福利, Unemployment Compensation and Worker's Compensations. 
  • 孩子的抚养费, 赡养费, and social security received y applicant's children shall not be consider as income. Foster children will not be counted in on family size and the income received for support of foster children will not be used to compute total income. 
  • 收入 will be based on the primary wage earners of household, thus excluding income from dependents
  • If the applicant is self-employed and derives income from a business that he/she owns or co-owns, an average of the net income over a two-year period will be evaluated to determine income. Any net loss average for two years will be counted at -0- for eligibility purposes but will be deducted from other income sources for affordability.
  • If a portion of this applicant's income is from a part-time business operation, the average of the part-time income for the previous two years will be added to 现在的收入. 
  • If applicant is seasonally employed, 现在的收入, and any unemployment compensation will be prorated based on the past two years' work income. 

核实入息: Written verification of all sources of income shall be required. 收入 verification shall be current (within 90 days of initial housing inspection for the rehab program). 以下是可以接受的: 

  • Third-party income verifications
  • Previous two years' tax returns 
  • 收入 verification forms completed by employer, agency, institution (bank, insurance company, etc.)
  • Visual verification form signed by program administrator 
  • Copy of current saving passbook certificate 
  • Other documentation as appropriate 
  • Combination of the above as needed to verify all income and assets 
    收入 房主的贡献
    中位数的101%-115% 25%
    中位数的81%-100% 20%
    80%及51%以下 10%
    50%及以下 0%


HH大小  50% 80% 100% 110%
1 $28,250 $45,190 $56,490 $64,960
2 $32,280 $51,650 $64,560 $74,240
3 $36,320 $58,100 $72,630 $83,530
4 $40,350 $64,560 $80,700 $92,810
5 $43,580  $69,730  $87,160 $100,230 
6 $46,810 $74,890 $93,610  $107,650 
7 $50,030  $80,050 $100,070  $115,080 
8 $53,260  $85,220  $160,520  $122,500